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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 1370


CURRENT SEASON - Practice Schedule

Hello to all our recreational coaches,

I want to start by thanking every one of you for volunteering to coach a team and make a difference for the children in our community.  

Club Philosophy – Players 1st. All about the kids!!

Club Culture & environment – positive, patient and friendly.

Introduction and Appreciation Video:

Training Session Guidelines:

Stick to your topic and have a progression to your training session.

20 min – Technical warm up (how)

20 min – Small Group Tactics (when and where)

15 min - Scrimmage - Focus on topic

5 minute Cool down – stretch and have them go over what they learned.

1) Stick to your topic and have a progression to your training session. Explain exercises clearly and quickly. We don’t want to spend too much time talking and not implementing. Dynamic sessions. All players moving.

2) Repetition is key. Try to break down the groups so players are not waiting in line. Keep them constantly moving with the ball.

3) Avoid the 3 L’s. Lines, Lectures & Laps.

4) Make sure you let them know when they do things right just as much as correcting their mistakes.

5) Decision making: it’s important to challenge your players to think. Challenge them to think about the answers before you give it to them

Please see the links below for moves and skills to help the players improve their technical abilities. We suggest you utilize this in the beginning of your sessions and even share with the parents so the children can practice it on their own at home if they choose to take their game to the next level.

A) Our knights moves on the run based off top players who performed them in games.

 B) Ball mastery exercises

Coaching Methods and Principals:

Coaching Methodology – Guide and discover – ask questions. If our players understand the “WHY”, it will enable them to make good decisions in split seconds as they understand the logic of the game. Teach the players to problem solve.

Game Day Guidelines:

Club Style of play – play out of the back. Have a thought behind decisions.

Game Guidelines

1) Give players positions such as: defender, midfield attacker. Depending on your age group and the number of players on the field, you can go into more detail such as right defender, center defender, left defender and so on.

2) Give information but don’t scream at the kids

3) Help guide the players without the ball.

4) Discuss the options with the player who had the ball after they made their decision.

5) Play out of the back. Goalkeeper should roll or pass the ball out.

6) Diamond shape and balance the field on offense. Support Width and Depth.

6) Don’t leave 2 players back on your half. It’s wrong and takes the game away from the players.

7) Talk to your parents before the season and after games about the importance of their behavior on the sideline. Positive and calm behavior will help the kids focus & enjoy the games more. Try to educate them to avoid sideline coaching.

Our program has our recreational league (AYSO region 1370), competitive program (Boynton Knights FC) and MLS program (South Florida Football Academy). The idea is to provide all levels of play and a great pathway for all the children in our region.

I would like to take this opportunity to reintroduce coach Nick Bergstrom to all of you. Coach Nick is our coach administrator and together we will provide you all the support you need/want from the coaching aspect of the game.

Thank you again for all that you do and if you have questions about any of the above and player development then feel free to reach out.

Contact Us


6586 Hypoluxo Rd., Box #352
Lake Worth, Florida 33467

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 999-999-9999